External Security Audit – “Red Cell”

To properly test your security systems, it is absolutely necessary conduct independent 3rd party testing based on security standards and formal testing methodologies.

Your security matters.

Testing of Security Systems, either physical or procedural, can be done by penetration. The method is intrusive live test of the
effectiveness of security defences through mimicking the actions of real-life adversaries.

Identify issues if you suspect you've been hacked.

local solutions

In a way, our expertise is to identify and manage the optimal local solution for your company through high-quality and innovative security solutions.

red team

It is essentially an exhaustive physical examination of the premises and a thorough inspection of all operational systems and procedures.


AidIntel is the essential risk monitoring toolkit that allows you to evaluate opportunities and threats around the world.

risk management

The goal of Risk Management – to manage risk effectively at the least possible cost – cannot be achieved without reducing the number of incidents.

The staff selected to work with Red Triangle have long experience with international security work, with real-life, hands-on security
practice from some of the world’s most dangerous environments.