Red Triangle

Our services

Red Triangle is a security service provider with a difference.

Find and stop advanced attacks for your business.

In a way, our expertise is to identify and manage the optimal local solution for your company through high-quality and innovative security solutions. This enables us to offer a complete range of specialized protective services practiced in some of the world’s most dangerous locations.

intellectual property

When money is invested in creating and protecting intellectual
property, there is a good chance that those investments can be
recouped in many different ways. Intellectual property can also be sold
like other property. However, R3C’s business model is essentially
about licensing their IP to others.


The team of analytical experts at R3CAidIntel is maintained with one objective in mind: providing the best possible service for our clients.
AidIntel is your direct link to our multinational and multi-disciplined team, drawn from backgrounds including professional services, law, security,
intelligence services and the military.

crisis planning

Security is one area in which no company can afford to compromise. In a world of increasing safety and security needs, you need to
have contingency plans in place to ensure the survival of your computer systems, critical data, as well as your most important asset –
your employees

To properly test your security systems, it is absolutely necessary conduct independent 3rd party testing based on security standards and
formal testing methodologies.


Testing of Security Systems, either physical or procedural, can be done by penetration. The method is intrusive live test of the
effectiveness of security defences through mimicking the actions of real-life adversaries.

big enough to serve you, small enough to know you

The staff selected to work with Red Triangle have long experience with international security work, with real-life, hands-on security
practice from some of the world’s most dangerous environments.